If your organisation is asking how you can make an impact, where do you fit in, and how are you positioned -
we can help.

Offering Research, Strategy and Management services that deliver results.

  • We are driven by purpose and choose to align our brand with organisations that measure impact.

  • We envision a world where education for all is a reality, hence we focus our work on learning and growth, and can help you do the same.

  • Our credible reputation in the EdTech and Sporting sectors is built by offering innovative solutions that create measurable impact and shared value.

The team are currently working on groundbreaking EdTech projects globally and in South Africa. In the Sporting sector we are working with Title Sponsor - Mr Price Sport on the World’s oldest and largest Ultra Marathon – The Comrades Marathon.


We research the latest trends in EdTech and Sport.

We then package the best solutions uniquely to ensure maximum impact.

Years of researching, strategising, managing and evaluating projects has developed our knowledge, translating into greater impact and valuable insights for our clients.

Why does our work matter?

Because we choose to work on projects in EdTech and Sport that have the potential to make a meaningful difference, particularly with a view to providing opportunities for people to maximise their potential.

We believe that we can be of service in addressing these challenges and embrace opportunities to tackle them.

“It is not beyond our power to create a world in which all children have access to a good education. Those who do not believe this have small imaginations.”

- Nelson Mandela -

Sports ability to attract, engage and retain fans from all demographics is unparalleled. Having an engaged audience makes sports sponsorship arguably the most powerful brand marketing tool.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does.”

- Nelson Mandela -